This week is the midterm, so study! We will begin class with a midterm review. Study for that, too.
Due at the start of class is Writing Assignment #2. Please write this assignment out by hand.
Identify the meaning relations for the below pairs of words, and provide
linguistic evidence that supports your identification. Possible relations include:
- synonyms
- simple antonyms
- gradable antonyms
- reverses
- converses
- taxonomic sisters
- hyponym–hyperonym
- meronym
- homonyms
For example, if given the pair tall and short, you would say that they were gradable antonyms, and the evidence might be providing two sentences, “John is tall,” and “John is short,” and saying that, since these two sentences are contrary, that supports tall and short being gradable antonyms.
The pairs of words for you to analyze in this way are:
a. sharp and dull
b. two and too
c. arm and leg
d. silver and metal
e. insert and extract